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An update from Emily

Hello Vic Park, I’m back!

Some of you may have noticed that I have been somewhat quiet in recent weeks on this blog. Don’t worry, I didn’t forget about you. In fact, I have been very eager to update you on what’s been happening to me over the last few months.

After a very stressful end of semester, I have been using my uni break to catch up on sleep, binge-watch TV and occasionally go out for dinner.

Studying design has meant spending hours in front of a screen and lacking in much-needed sleep. But as we know all good things must come to an end… please read this line with extreme sarcasm. To say the least about my end of semester, caffeine was my best friend. However, regardless of the stress, I am super happy with my results and it all feels worth it.

Unfortunately, my isolation exercise routine was halted by my Netflix exercise routine.

Although I am pleased to say that throughout my break I have continued to work and tutor, which has kept my brain ticking.

My semester break was over so quickly. This week, I have been getting back into the swing of uni life. I have many goals for this semester. I would like to improve my physical and mental health but also give back to those who give so much to me. I think being in isolation has made me realise not only how much I need others but also how much I can give of myself. I love to write these blogs because I want to connect with readers and to stay accountable to my thoughts.

Going back to campus has been a bit of an adjustment. Although it’s so nice to be in an environment with other people, it still feels strange. But I find myself appreciating the time I spend with others more.

I hope you have all been well. We have all been through and continue to experience a really challenging time. As happy as outings have made me, I am saddened by the news from all over the world. I have friends living in other parts of Australia and in other countries and I am worried for their safety.

We are extremely lucky to be living in Perth. Thank you to everyone persevering through this time. My thoughts and prayers go out to those who are struggling.

Until next time,




Contact Us

248 Gloucester Street, East Victoria Park 6101

Find us on the Kent Street side of the Leisurelife Complex.

Phone: (08) 9361 1999


Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 9.00am - 5.00pm

Victoria Park Community Centre acknowledges the traditional owners of the land upon which we are located, the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation. We pay our respects to their descendants and Elders.

Our visual identity was created by the very wonderful Morgane Guedj Creative.

The Vic Park Community Centre is an inclusive place for community building activities and programs

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